
July 26, 2012

Weekly goal weight loss program

In my first weight loss program I failed so I come up with a plan to achieve my goals on weight loss and this is the "weekly goal weight loss program". This program is all about setting goals every week which is a short term goal. I started this last week and I'm so happy with the result.
This is my week 1 goal weight, and I forgot to take picture with my weight when I first started it. When I started this program I weigh myself and I'm 50 kg or approximately 110 lbs but after  one week when I weigh myself again I'm already 48kg or approximately 106 lbs.
Today is the start of my second week and from 48 kg my goal is to loss 1 kg to become 47 kg.
My long term weight goal is 43-44 kg and once I reach it I will maintain my weight and just tone my muscles.

How to start:
* Buy a desk calendar or you can make your own, I actually just printed mine and I got it from todayscreativeblog.
this is how my calendar looks like
* Set the day when you want to start, but don't wait for next week or next month. You can either start the next day or couple of days and mark the calendar your current weight. Write your goal weight one week from when you write your current weight.
* For a student like me, write down all your vacant time and set at least 30-60 minutes exercise per day and 3-4 times per week and write it on your calendar.
* And that's it. All you have to do is follow your schedule and eat healthy foods

As for my exercises, I've been doing jogging/running every afternoon if I'm not busy and sometimes in the morning I do pilates or yoga exercises. You don't need to go to a gym or to a pilates/yoga class because it is just a waste of money and time specially the preparation in going to gym. That 15 minutes of preparing, you can already do a pilates workout of Cassey Ho. Cassey is one of my favorite youtube pilates instructor. You can download her videos and visit her website for more information about weight loss. However, if you have plenty of time and money to waste then you can always go to the gym.

It's not all the time that I can follow my schedule because there are times that I'm busy with school projects or etc. Then maybe you are asking, what is the point of making an everyday exercise schedule? so actually for me, it acts as a guide so that I will know what should I do in the day that I’m not busy during my vacant time. When there are times I can't workout I will just mark x in that day. The next day I'll just add 20-30 minutes of cardio in my workout.

For an effective weight loss, you have to do at least 30-60 minutes of cardio 3 times a week to pump up your heart to burn those extra fats before toning. Include strength training in your workout. This does not mean that you have to go to the gym because you don't have a dumbbell or weights in your house. You can always make your own improvise dumbbells using a bottle with water or sand and there is also strength-training exercises that only requires your own body weight and you can find that a lot in youtube. If you don’t want that bulky muscle, pilates is good for you. Pilates exercises are good for toning those flabby fats that you already burn or those saggy skin.