First thing I bought is this skirt and I really like it because it looks simple and cute and it's 50% off so I paid only Php 149.50 instead of Php 299.00 it's a really great discount.
The second one I bought is from a different store and this is just a simple shirt and I love it. This shirt is really cheap but the cloth is very soft and comfortable it only cost Php 69.00. It's a great deal for a shirt.
The third one is ankle socks because all of my socks were left in my hometown when I went home and I only have three pairs. So I decide to buy a sock since I just recently started to run again. It's only Php 50.00 for three pairs.
And the last one is bougth in a different day. I bought this checkered polo in a boutique and I love the color because its a combination of blue and pink and its only Php 199.00.
The total of all this item is only Php 467.50. Four items under Php 500.00
That's all for my thrift haul. God bless