
June 13, 2012

Skin Update

Yehey I'm back! 
I'm making an update about retin a which I started using it last march. I've decided to stop it because my pimples are getting worse, other people says it lasted about 2 to 3 months after they see good result on their skin but for me it did not work. One tube lasted about 2 1/2 months.

I have the same skin problem with my sister and I noticed that her face looks amazing than the last time I saw her and so I asked her what she's applying in her face and she told me that she only use tender care which is a mild soap to wash her face and eskinol with dalacin-c for toner and that's it. I was thinking to give it a try. Now I'm using it for almost a monthe and I notice that my acne marks that was cause by retin a faded while others are still fading. Though I still have break outs during my menstrual cycle but Im happy with the result of eskinol with dalacin-c right now. 

For my routine, I'm still using celeteque facial wash,  after washing my face I then use eskinol and then I put moisturizer. 

What I like about eskinol and dalacin-c is that it really gets the dirt that was not removed with just washing my face and I can really tell because after swiping the cotton ball in my face and neck the cotton gets dark.

There are lots of varieties of eskinol and the one I'm using is the new eskinol dermaclear- C facial cleanser, I choose this because it says in the bottle "pimple fighting". 
mixture: 135ml of eskinol and 150 mg of dalacin-c then shake.  

As you can see it's almost over and it lasted over a month. I bought this for, I think Php 56.00, it's really cheap yet very effective.