
February 23, 2012

Weight loss: My preparation

                These are my preparation for a healthy lifestyle and for my weight loss journey.

Height: 60 inches                              
Weight: 110.23 pounds                        
GOAL: 90 pounds         DATE:   July 21, 2012
Age: 18 y/o                                                                                 

BMI=  weigh/(height)² x 703   Calculate your BMI
my bmi =21.53   according to my age I’m still normal

BMR= 655 + (4.35 x weight in pound) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7  x age)   Calculate your BMR 
BMR (basal metabolic rate)- represents the number of calories I need to survive without doing nothing or sleeping in my bed for the whole day.
my bmr = 1331.9   

AMR= (BMR  x  1.375) (lightly active)  Calculate your AMR
AMR (active metabolic rate) - represents the number of calories needed to do exercise or playing sports or something.
my amr = 1831.37   

*to lose weight, increase level of physical activity or decrease caloric intake.
If you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories every day you will lose about one pound a week  (3500 is equal to one pound). 

 After I reach my goal I will still continue my exercises to maintain my weight.

<---------- this is me and I know I have a very big thighs and calves and also my arms. :)

NOTE: Don’t go below 1200 calories each day
Burn calories than you consume!!
Have FUN!